Progress Report + Release Window!

Hey! It's been about a week since I first uploaded the project. Since then, I've been able to finish up most of the cutscenes, and polish various parts to add more continuity and smooth gameplay. About 80% of the first chapter is playable, start to finish. Many parts of the rest of the chapter are coming together, so hopefully it won't take too too long. My main remaining tasks are the following:

-Finishing the battle system, and adding a game over screen

-Finish programming all cutscenes and their variations depending on the choices you've made

-Polish a couple boss battles, and improve their dialogue

-Move the soundtrack from piano recordings to more polished tracks made in a DAW

I'm not sure how long all of these take. I'm still pretty busy with school, causing work to move slower than I really want it to. However, I can confidently say, at the latest, Clouds Chapter 1 will be releasing Spring 2023.

In the meantime, I'll work on another trailer (that hopefully will do a better job than the current one), and continue posting weekly progress reports.

That's all for now, thanks for reading!



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